Elon Musk entered a auction and bought a Lotus for nearly $1M

In 1989, a couple from Long Island, New York, placed a wager of one hundred dollars on what several people feel to be the most substantial blind auction in the entire annals of gambling history.

The two people made the own of everything that was contained in an empty storage locker without first evaluating the items that were within.

A Lotus Esprit from the year 1976 that shot after appearing in the James Bond movie “The Spy Who Loved Me” in 1977 was discovered buried beneath all of the other rubbish.

Elon Musk, founder of Tesla, took part in a blind auction of his own in 2013 and ultimately owned a Lotus for a sum that was very close to $1M.

He used it as a source of inspiration for the Tesla Cybertruck, which he is currently working on but has not yet published. 1976 Lotus Esprit S1 – top car design rating and specifications.