George Lucas’s residence is decorated in Victorian style with an unbelievable construction price

The main home on the property is decorated in a Victorian style, while the outbuildings number in the dozens.

Lucas’s office, his study library, a music room, a theater with 35 seats, and a solarium are all located within the 50,000 square foot home that was constructed in 1985 and is surrounded by largely natural trees.

The idea for the design came from Lucas, while the actual construction was handled by a local company called TWM Architects.

Lucas states, “I move around in the era of 1850 to 1910,” and this is what he means by that. For the Lucasfilm Research Library, he requested that the stained glass be created by the artist Eric Christensen in a style that was “reminiscent of the work of Greene and Greene.”

The fully staffed library has space for more than 27,000 books and other materials.A stereopticon, the original maquettes for a Star Wars chess set, and a Hopi kachina doll are displayed on a side table in George Lucas’s office.